DTM Fabrications Ltd CNC Punch Pressing

CNC punch pressing for complex fabrications

If your project requires metal with intricately formed features, you can make the most of our CNC punch pressing service. From the early design stages through to manufacturing, we'll work with you every step of the way.


At D.T.M Fabrications Ltd, we offer CNC punch pressing to people throughout Rowley Regis and the UK.

Precise fabricated metal products

Using automated CNC turrets, it's possible to produce precise fabricated metal products. Our machines work at high speeds while maintaining accuracy, so you don't have to wait too long for the right results.

Exploring your metal options

• Our fabricated metal product range is broad

• You can use CNC punch pressing for intricate designs

• Try our sheet metal manufacturing service

 Call to discuss your CNC fabricating needs

Looking for stair manufacturers?

If you need to add new stairs or a fire escape to your building, come to us.

Would you like to know more about our CNC punch pressing services? Call:

0121 559 8431